Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Connections to my life

From the very beginning of the novel, I noticed interesting similarities and connections to my own life. When I first chose Hey Nostradamus! the only thing I knew about it was that it was about a school shooting. As I continued reading, I found other, rather strange, coincidences.

I have a friend, who I met in Biology class (which is also where Cheryl and Jason first met). This friend was in our school play, called “Lockdown”, which is about a school going into lockdown with a shooter in the building (which is exactly what happened in Hey Nostradamus!, a school shooting; a tragedy). It gets weirder from there. This same friend also works at Toys R Us (the same place that Jason meets his future girlfriend Heather).

Another connection I made was that Heather is a Court Stenographer. I am very interested in law and courtroom procedures, so I found it especially appealing that she had that job. I did a co-op placement at a law office last semester, and I found that I knew a small amount about Heather’s job as I was reading it which was beneficial.

Heather visits a psychic often to have "connection" with Jason. I have been to a psychic before, and as I was reading the psychic parts of the book, I was skeptical of Allison's (Heather's psychic) abilities. Knowing that Allison is a fake psychic makes me question if psychics even have any special abilities, or if I was just manipulated like Heather was. (side note: I was too young to remember half the things the psychic told me)

Picture 1: http://tinyurl.com/5r9qfs4
Picture 2: http://tinyurl.com/67mja6c
Picture 3: http://tinyurl.com/6e99h7k

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